International Monetary Fund


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Taxation and businesses: the no of the industrialists, the yes of the artisans.

The industrialists don't like it, the craftsmen don't like it, the professionals like it.

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Fiscal showdown in uncertain economic circumstances

The economic policy agenda for the coming year is packed with negotiations about EU fiscal rules, tax policies, minimum wages, and financial regulations.

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Tax increase: The UK regions paying the most in national insurance already

But some regions contributed far more to this total than others - do you live in an area with high levels of National Insurance?

COVID in Europe

France hits more than 330,000 cases, Italy mandates jabs for those over 50

France Pandemic

The delay before receiving a booster jab in France was brought down from four to three months.

Italy Pandemic

Italy is tightening its restrictions for all travellers in response to the rising threat of the omicron variant.

Dutch Pandemic

The Netherlands is back to a nationwide lockdown starting Sunday to curb the Omicron variant.

UK Pandemic

How should governments have responded to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe.





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